Scroll down to view some helpful videos that can help you set up the equipment you rented from DDC or fix your equipment when you need it. Still need help beyond these videos? Reach out to our Service Department or your DDC Sales Rep anytime and we will be there to fix your problem within 24 hours!
3 Reasons to Have DDC Clean Your Lines
Watch this 1 minute video that shares why DDC is the best choice to clean your lines and how we can help you consistently pour great beer and preserve profits through industry-accepted best practices.
How to Set Up a Jockey Box Cooler
Serving cold beer out your next outdoor function is easy with a Jockey Box cooler, also known as a cold plate cooler. Watch this step-by-step video that makes set up a breeze! These are available for rent for your next event. Ask your DDC Sales Rep about them.
What to Do When Your BIB Runs Dry
When your bag in box runs dry, you’re going to hear the sound of air firing out while it grasps for liquid. This step-by-step video will show you how to make the sound stop until you can get the next bag into place.